Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Right For You?
In each stage of our lives, we face difficulties within our bodies. As we age, we become more susceptible to health risks and challenges. Because of this, it is essential for us to be aware of our bodies’ needs. One particular issue for both women and men revolves around the decline of hormone levels. When we reach a stage of menopause and andropause, the effects of our decreased hormone levels are ever more prevalent.

For men, andropause symptoms may include: Irritability, fatigue, insomnia, decreased sex-drive, depression, confusion and a drop in cognitive function, heart disease, muscle loss, and more.

For women, menopause symptoms are better known and may include: Weight gain, depression, hot flashes, insomnia, loss of energy, depression, anxiety, mood swings, vaginal dryness, headaches, night sweats, etc.
So how do we increase hormone levels when we are facing such aggravating symptoms?
In recent years, there has been an increase in popularity for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Hormone replacement therapy is commonly provided through bioidentical hormone pellet supplements that are injected into an area of fat, typically in the abdomen region. Bioidentical hormone pellets are a type of HRT that are more natural and healthy for the body than certain synthetic drugs which have been known to improve hormone performance. Initially, bioidentical pellets were created from yams and soy but in recent years, due to the demand for mass production, there have been lab advancements aiding the delivery of pellets to the health market. Bioidentical hormones are created to match the same hormone chemicals that our bodies create.
Health benefits from bioidentical hormones have been widely reported and show improvement in weight loss, energy and mood levels, skin, hair and nail growth, sex drive, sleep, amongst many others. These effects can last up to four months.
Hormone levels are known to peak in our late 20s and early 30s. Due to this fact, HRT is not only used for those undergoing menopause and andropause. In many cases, women and men in their mid 30s require supplemental boosts in progesterone, estrogen or testosterone.

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