Bio-identical Hormone

Replacement Therapy

Bio-identical hormone pellet implants have been used for more than half a century to restore hormonal balance in male and female patients particularly around mid-life. These pellets contain a combination of estrogen and testosterone which release small amounts of hormone on a daily basis that charge the brain, joints and other tissues while re-establishing a youthful vigor in the recipient.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below you may be a candidate for Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

    • Weight gain
    • Limited energy
    • Hair loss
    • Low sex drive
    • Depression
    • Mood swings
    • Sleeplessness
    • Poor concentration
    • Memory loss
    • Fatigue


SottoPelle Pellets - About

To avoid any side effects from hormone replacement it is preferable to bypass the gastrointestinal system and liver by releasing testosterone and/or estradiol directly into the blood stream. Therefore, when inserted correctly by a trained professional, these pellets often deliver a safer and more reliable method of BHRT than other forms of delivery.

SottoPelle Pellets - Contact

Bioidentical Hormone Pellets may be right for you. Contact us to find out.

The prescribed amount administered to a patient by our medical staff is determined by proper blood work which thereby guarantees only a balanced and precise dose of the hormones that one’s body requires. This subcutaneous delivery of hormones is documented as one of the more reliable methods of ensuring the body’s ability to release the hormones in a natural way that is similar to when the body’s reproductive system is functioning in a normal manner.

When used in combination with a healthy life-style and vitamin supplements the pellets have been proven to help both men and woman combat and reverse the symptoms of hormone deficiency that naturally occur during the aging processes.

This fifteen minute pain free procedure can be done in the medical office and will offer relief from such symptoms as mood swings, hot sweats and lack of motivation while also helping to improve and restore sex drive, muscle tone, bone strength, weight loss and a positive outlook.